Courtney Trouble Heads to the University of Calgary and Genderfest Winnipeg for Speaking Engagements, Screenings, and Parties this February

I am heading up north to Calgary and Winnipeg this week for a two week tour full of amazing events that I’m excited to share with you. On February 11th I will be at the University of Calgary doing an academic screening of my 2013 film Trans Grrrls: Revolution Porn Style Now! alongside my acclaimed presentation: Queer Porn … Read more Courtney Trouble Heads to the University of Calgary and Genderfest Winnipeg for Speaking Engagements, Screenings, and Parties this February

Queerly Beloved 2011

JUNE 26TH 2011: Courtney Trouble’s Third Annual QUEERLY BELOVED San Francisco Pride Party for all genders, all sexualities! PERFORMANCE BY ICY LYTESBURLESQUE bybay Area legend ALOTTA BOUTTEand QUEER PORN SUPERSTARS JIZ LEE AND DYLAN RYAN DJS JENNA RIOT AND BIANCA OBLIVION QUEER PRIDE PARTY welcome to all genders and sexualities! a pride party for the rest of us! RESERVE YOUR VIP TICKETS ONLINE: ON … Read more Queerly Beloved 2011