No Fauxxx, established in 2002 by award-winning pornographer Courtney Trouble, is the basis of today’s queer porn movement. Featuring performers of all genders, sizes, races, sexual orientations, No Fauxxx gracefully mixes artistic queer erotica and hard core sex with an “alt porn” appeal. At some point what we were doing felt pretty revolutionary and people were having a hard time spelling our domain name, so the sister URL was purchased. The alternate name represents a time in our history that we adore but doesn’t feel permanent in a larger indie porn scene. Proud to have starte dsome conversations that are still continuing to this day, and happy to say – No Fauxxx is active and in it’s 16th year.
“Not only is No Fauxxx the oldest running queer porn site on the Internet, it’s also the only spot that mixes alt, gay, lesbian, straight, trans, kink, and BBW content. It’s sexy, artsy, entertaining, all-inclusive, and totally DIY. In a word: ours.”
– SF Guardian’s Best of the Bay, 2009
Original Mission Statement
NoFauxxx.Com was created by Courtney Trouble in 2002 and is the longest-running indie queer porn site on the internet. It began as a small personal project, and became a legend when friends, media, and the adult industry took notice. It is the oldest running “queer” porn site on the internet, and to this date the only porn site to mix alt, gay, lesbian, straight, trans, kink, bbw genres into one common site.

This is what we stand for.
Arousal. Our first priority is turning ourselves, and you the viewer, on. This is the purpose of porn, and we will not sacrifice arousal despite our crafty attitudes, alternative lifestyles, or political ideas.
An all-inclusive casting attitude. We draw from many sources to create a community of varied identities. We do not take gender, size, race, or any other “consideration” into consideration when choosing our models. We do not have quotas or any ideals about what a porn star should look like. Additionally, we do not separate the girls from the boys on our site, as many of our models fall somewhere in between.
High Art. We believe that the arousal factor in porn goes up a big deal when the porn is artistic, and we strive to produce the highest quality photos and videos while maintaining our “D.I.Y” aesthetic.
Accessibility. We strive to keep our membership fees and products as low as possible to ensure that people from all classes can participate in our site. We also believe in the barter system in all aspects of our work.
Safer sex and consent. We use condoms, latex gloves, and other safer sex supplies for the majority of our work, in order to eroticize and normalise the use of safer sex supplies in our true sex lives. We believe all performers in the adult industry have the right to use safer sex supplies. In addition, we strongly believe in mutual consent between models, as well as producers and directors. Most of the shoots on the site are directed by the models themselves, and some are even self-shot.
Breaking stereotypes. Many of the visual themes and sub-contexts within our photo sets and videos represent a break from the “norm,” allowing type-cast individuals to redefine their roles in the adult industry as well as in life.
A female-friendly perspective. The site is run by a woman, and most of our guest photographers are also female. We believe feminists can make pornography, perform in pornography, view pornography, and enjoy pornography as artists, workers, participants, and consumers.
A worker-friendly perspective. Many of our performers and fans work in the sex industry, and we support them.
Trans-friendly. We believe that, for many people, genitals have nothing to do with gender or gender expression. We do have many trans and genderqueer models, and we ask that you respect them by referring to them by their preferred pronouns (”he”, “she”, or “ze” are the most common, and it will be specified in the model’s bio) if you’re blessed with the chance to interact with them on our message boards or through other means. If there are ANY reports of abuse or disrespect to ANY model for ANY reason, action will be taken to remove you from the message boards, and if necessary, the site. If you need more information about gender issues and language use, please check out this link or this link.
Respectful. We do what we can to support the activists who fight for awareness of cultural appropriation. This is why you will have a hard time finding mohawks, dreadlocks, or any fad-like cultural style which doesn’t come from a genuine participation or deep knowledge/respect for the culture it’s borrowed from. We aren’t perfect here, but we do try to put thought into our porn & who it might disrespect.
What you might find in the members area.
Soft core, pin up girls, black and white erotica, sensual shots.
Hard core, masturbation, role-playing, kink, and fetish.
Straight, lesbian, gay, queer, and bisexual couples and groups.
Girls, Boys, Transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, or gender-bending models.
Fat, thin, chubby, curvy, zaftig, short, tall, and athletic models.
Models of all races, taken out of the stereotypical context models of color are usually assigned in the sex industry.
Able-bodied models as well as Not-as-abled bodies.
BSDM, bondage, SM, shown as a positive thing as opposed to scary, dangerous, or perverted. (And also maybe some really dark creepy stuff too…)
Punks, goths, emo kids, hipsters, hippies, and other “alternative” models. We love tats and piercings here, but not all of our models have them and not all of our models adhere to any subculture.